Big Brother 25 — Week 1 Veto Meeting

Hi, everyone!

Earlier today, the first veto meeting of the 25th season of Big Brother was held.  This, of course, is when the winner of the golden power of veto has to announce whether they will be saving one of the nominees or keeping the nominations the same.

On Saturday, the first veto competition was won by Hisam.  And Hisam today announced that he would not be using the veto.  I’m sure that came as a shock to Izzy who has been telling Cirie nonstop that she was worried that Reilly was planning on backdooring Cirie this week.  And I’m sure it came as a relief to Luke who apparently thought there was a chance that he was going to be backdoored.  (Luke has been feeling paranoid because apparently, no one has been talking game to him.)

So, the nominations will remain the same, with Felecia and Kirsten staying on the block.  Kirsten is the target and Hisam and Reilly have both been talking about how important it is that the vote be unanimous.  Personally, if I was in the houseguest, I would be tempted to vote for Felecia just to make everyone paranoid about “who flipped” (as Fessy would put it).

Kirsten has been campaigning but it’s not really doing her any good.  At this point, I’m not sure if anyone really remembers why Kirsten was targeted in the first place (i.e., for trying to form too many alliances on the first night) but everyone seems to be okay with voting her out.

1 thought on “Big Brother 25 — Week 1 Veto Meeting

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 8/7/23 — 8/13/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

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