Big Brother 25 — It’s Over

Hi!  Has everyone seen the finale now?  I’m going to assume that you have.  If you haven’t, you probably should before reading any further.  Okay?


So, tonight, Big Brother ended exactly the way that I think most of us thought it would.  Matt and Jag faced off in the third part of the final HoH comp.  They answered a series of questions and they both guessed the same way at every turn so, by the end of the comp, they were all tied up.  Once again, it came time to randomly guess a number and Jag’s guess was closer than Matt’s.  Jag became HoH and, just as he and Matt had promised each other that they would do no matter what happened, Jag evicted Bowie and took Matt to the final two.

The jury questions were boring and so were the answers.  Jag bragged about being the leader of his alliance.  Matt, for some reason, played up the fact that everything had been a team effort and he claimed that no one had really been a “leader” of any alliance in the House.  I like Matt and I think the jury probably personally liked Matt more than they liked Jag but Matt made absolutely no case for himself during the jury segment.

Cirie and Felecia did vote for Matt to win.  However, Cameron, Cory, America, Bowie, and Blue all voted for Jag.  Jag won by a vote of 5-2 and then Julie announced that  Cameron had won America’s Favorite Player.

And that’s pretty much it for Big Brother 25!  It was a boring wrap-up for a misbegotten season and I really hope that the show’s producers realize just how unpopular this season was.  If they have been paying attention, I hope they learn the following lessons:

  1. Give the twists a rest.  This season had so many twists and secret powers that it made it impossible for the show to maintain any sort of momentum.  Wasting an entire week on Cameron and Jared competing to re-enter the house was a huge mistake.
  2. Don’t play favorites.  We all know that Jag shouldn’t have been allowed to compete for HoH after his week as the Invisible HoH.  We also know that Jared was only put in the House to help out Cirie.  He turned out to be a terrible player and a toxic presence.
  3. Overhaul the comps.  The fact that Jag and Cameron won almost every single veto and/or HoH could have been avoided by the adding a little more variety to the comps.  Instead of making everything a timed, physical comp, why not do a puzzle  comp or something else that would give the less athletic players a chance to win.
  4. Big Brother is a perfect summer show and doesn’t belong in the fall.
  5. 100 days is too long of a season.  I was really ready for it to be over!
  6. No more shout outs.  My least favorite part of any Thursday episode was having to listen to all the moronic shout outs.  And while we’re on the subject of voting, can we encourage the HGs to just cast their vote without wasting precious time sucking up to Julie?  I swear, we always had time for the HGs to compliment Julie on her outfit but we rarely had time to show the HoH comps on either the show or the live feeds!

Whenever a season fails (as this one did), there are lessons to be learned.  I hope that’s what happens here.

As far as the “holiday surprise” is concerned, it’s Big Brother: Reindeer Games, which sounds like it has more in common with The Challenge or Buddy Games than Big Brother.  We’ll see.  If Frankie Grande is a part of the show, I’ll probably skip it.

Well, that season is over.  And now, I can focus on Survivor and The Amazing Race!  Yay!  Thanks for reading, everyone!  I know this has been a rough season but we made it!

Lisa Marie

Big Brother 25 — It’s Time To Open Up The Diary Room One Last Time

Well, there’s not much left to say.

Matt won the first part of the final HoH.

Yesterday, Jag won the second part.

On Thursday, they’ll compete to be the final HoH and then the winner will decide whether Bowie moves on to the final two or if she joins the jury.

So, let’s up up the diary room. Who do you want to win?

The winner will be crowned on Thursday. Until then, happy voting!

Big Brother 25 — The Final Three

As we all saw last night, Jag decided to evict Felecia from the house.  Earlier that day, Jag told Bowie that he was leaning towards voting out Matt but, shortly before the the feeds went down so that the houseguests could get ready for the live show, Jag told Bowie that he had changed his mind.

So, Felecia is the latest member of the jury and our final three is Jag, Matt, and Bowie.  These three will be competing in the final, three-part HoH comp.  Last night, Matt won the first part of the HoH comp so the second part will be between Jag and Bowie and then whoever wins that second part will move on to compete with Matt in the third part.

Julie says there will be a “holiday announcement” on Thursday.  Rumor has it that there’s going to be a winter edition of Big Brother, maybe featuring returning houseguests.  To be honest, I’m ready to be done with Big Brother for a few months but we’ll see what happens.

Survivor 45.6 — “I’m Not Batman, I’m Canadian!”


Where has my Survivor coverage been!?

That’s a totally fair question.  I love Survivor, far more than Big Brother.  And every season, I try to write about each episode on this site.  Unfortunately, this year I missed out on recapping the first half of the season.  October is my busiest month of the year, as I not only write for this site but I also coordinate two separate “horrorthons” for two other sites.  If I hadn’t been covering Big Brother at the same time, I probably would have had the time to cover Survivor from the start.  Unfortunately, because of this year’s weird Big Brother schedule, I ended up with just too much on my plate. in October.  And so, I put off writing about Survivor until November.

And now it’s November!  So, let’s talk Survivor!

Well, if nothing else, I picked the right week to start talking about Survivor because, this week, the three tribes merged into one and the game became a contest of individual immunity.  Post-merge Survivor is always better than pre-merge.

Of course, it wasn’t a true merge.  Just as they did last season, the new tribe was split into two groups, which then battled for immunity.  The team that won immunity moved on to the merged tribe.  The members of the team that lost were all eligible to voted out at tribal council.

It was a classic tribal council, due to Kaleb playing his shot in the dark.  Thanks to Emily (who appears to have become a very clever and observant player after a somewhat shaky start), Kaleb knew that he was being targeted so he did the one thing that he could do.  He sacrificed his vote and played his shot in the dark.  And, for the second time since the shot in the dark was introduced to Survivor, it worked!  Kaleb won immunity and every vote cast against him did not count.  And that’s good because every single vote that was cast — all eleven of them — were cast for Kaleb.  If not for his shot in the dark, it would have been 11-0 to exile Kabel from the island.

This led to a re-vote, one in which no one could vote for Kaleb.  J. Maya tried to convince everyone to vote for Emily but what J. Maya apparently didn’t know was that, even before the Merge, the members of her own tribe had been talking about voting her out.  There were several whispered conversations.  J. Maya whispered to everyone to vote for Emily, which Emily shrugged off when she heard the news.  Apparently, after Kaleb played his shot in the dark, there wasn’t much doubt that J. Maya was going to be the target.  The new vote was 10-1, in favor of kicking J. Maya out of the game.  J. Maya voted for Emily while everyone else voted for J. Maya.

A few random thoughts:

  1. I am still getting to know the players and I need to rewatch a few of the previous episodes on Paramount Plus.  Hopefully, I’ll do that tomorrow.  I like Emily, who has gone from being timid and lost to apparently being one of the strongest players on the beach.
  2. I know that there’s a lot of idols out there and Bruce has one of them.  Honestly, I’m sick of idols.  Bruce seems to be awfully impressed with himself and I’m really hoping this isn’t going to be one of those season where he rides the idol all the way to the end,
  3. Kendra is kind of scary.
  4. Kaleb and Emily seem like they could be a strong team and they’ll need to be since they are the only two members of the original Lulu tribe left.

I’m looking forward to covering the rest of the season here at Reality TV Chat Blog!

Big Brother 25 — The Final Veto

Hey, everyone!  This season — which I think truly has been one of the worst in recent memory — is almost over.  Some people are saying Big Brother 25 is the worst season of all time.  I actually think that Big Brother 19 was far worse.  (That was the season where Paul ran the entire house and Josh ended up winning despite not really doing anything other than act like an obnoxious child for 3 months.)  But Big Brother 25 has been pretty bad.  Not only was the Scrambleverse twist terrible but the cancelled evictions and the whole zombie thing made it impossible to for the season to generate any sort of momentum.

Anyway, with only four people left in the House, the veto was more important than ever.  Bowie Jane has immunity because she’s HoH.  Whoever won the veto would also have immunity and the other two players would be on the block.  The veto winner would be the one to decide who would be evicted.

Yesterday, the veto was won by …. JAG!  (Excuse me while I have a good laugh.)  Jag has now won 7 vetoes.  He is the new record holder for veto wins.  That’s what happens when production does a terrible job casting their season.  One player wins veto after veto.

Matt and Felecia are on the block and Jag will be sending one of them home.  If Jag was smart, he would get rid of Matt because Matt is the only person in the house who could possibly beat him in a final two situation.  But Jag wouldn’t even be in the House if it was not for Matt using his power on him earlier in the season.

So, I think it will be time to say Bye, Felecia, on Monday.

We’re nearly done!

Big Brother 25 — About Tonight

We are now down to four!

Tonight, by a vote of 2-0, Cirie was evicted from the House.  I get the feeling that the show’s producers felt that Cirie would enter the House and dominate this season, much in the same way that Paul did during Big Brother 19.  But, to me, it seemed that Cirie never really cared much about the game and she didn’t really feel close to any of the other houseguests, other than Jared.  I got the feeling that supporting Jared was Cirie’s main reason for entering the House and, once it became obvious that Jared was not going to go far in the game, Cirie lost interest in Big Brother.  I don’t blame her.  She can basically do Survivor whenever she feels like it and she previously won The Traitors.  She seemed bored with Big Brother.

So, Cirie is now gone and our final four are Felecia, Jag, Matt, and Bowie.  And our new HoH is …. BOWIE!  I have to admit that I laughed out loud when Bowie once again won the HoH key, just because she did a better job of guessing the tie-breaker than Jag did.  Bowie considers herself to be a comp beast but all of her victories have been due to randomly guessing a number.

Bowie being HoH means that Felecia will go next, unless she wins the veto.  I would be stunned if Felecia did win veto but who knows?  We’ll find out tomorrow!

Big Brother 25 — Quick Update

Hi, happy Halloween!

Here’s a quick update.  It’s a few days late but, trust me, you’re not missing much in the House right now.  When last I updated, Felecia and Cirie were on the block and Jag had won the veto.  Matt, Jag, and Bowie were all planning on voting out Cirie, who they view as being a bigger threat than Felecia.

On Monday, the veto was not used.  The nominations remained the same.  Cirie is still the target, though Matt keeps telling her that she’s not.  I’m not sure why Matt is still lying to Cirie about this.  Maybe he’s worried that, if Cirie gets mad, she’ll reveal some information about how he’s played the game, even though there’s really nothing for her to reveal.  Maybe he just doesn’t want to have to deal with Cirie getting upset.

So, that’s it.  We’re kind of at the point in the game where there’s nothing left that can happen in the House.  The showmances are over.  The fights are pretty much resolved.  Everyone’s just focused on the finale.

Big Brother 25 — The Latest Veto Winner

The veto competition was held today and guess who won!

Seriously, just guess.

It was….


Yes, Jag won the veto once again.  I swear, this season.  First, Cameron was winning everything.  Now, Jag is winning everything.

Anyway, Jag’s not going to use that veto.  The target was Felecia but, as of late, he, Matt, and Bowie have been saying that Cirie is a bigger threat.  They’re probably right.

We’ll see what happens.

Big Brother 25 — The Latest Nominations

I can’t remember if this is week 13 or 14, to be honest.  All of the weeks have blended together for me, which I guess is what happens when 3 of the weeks featured evictions that were cancelled or reversed.  This has been a weird year and I hope production realizes that they’ve made some mistakes with the Scaryverse twists.

Anyway, Matt is finally HoH but Jag might as well HoH.  Matt, Jag, and Bowie have made a final three deal and they’ve named their alliance The Mafia.

As for nominations, Matt put Cirie and Felecia.  I think Felecia is the target.  Matt has told Cirie that he’ll put up Jag if the veto is used but I think he may have just been trying to keep Cirie happy.  Matt and Jag are tight, even if they do sometimes get annoyed with each other.

Bowie keeps bragging about how she’s won two HoHs, even though she just guessed a number in both cases.  I could see Bowie getting backdoored just for being annoying.

The veto is tomorrow!