Hi, everyone!

It appears that I have a lot of new subscribers here at Reality TV Chat.  I’m guessing that most of you came over from the Big Brother Blog!  WELCOME!

Survivor starts tonight.  I will posting a recap of the episode either later tonight or maybe tomorrow.  It depends on how tired I am after writing up my recap of the Big Brother finale.

Thanks again for coming over!



  1. Justaguy (JT)

    If I was watching on tv at home tonight…. I’d wish that CBS would do BB finale first… then have Survivor premiere.
    Why? ….some OCD I suppose…. plus the Virgo thing 😆
    Just seems much more tidy to wrap up one show before starting another! LMAO

    I am rooting for Ciandre & Jessica F!! I haven’t watched any video yet… just have seen cast photos. IDK if I’ll like those 2 or want them out day 1, but those are my 2 in Survivor Pool… so show me the money!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. tedstrutz

      I agree, would rather see BB get wrapped up first.

      Jessica F, aka Figgy, is my favorite girl and I actually have her in my FH pool. I toyed with the idea of taking her when I saw you get when my sister picked, but you know my nickname… Honest Ted. Sounds almost Presidential.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Patricia Figliolo

    Lisa, you are like the Pied Piper – as long as you are blogging, we will follow. : ) Having the BB finale after Survivor may be a ploy to win the Wednesday ratings war by luring in even more new Survivor watchers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Justaguy (JT)

      I agree. Plus having each show an hour and a half prevent people from switching channels… so it makes sense for business. But still, selfishly, I’d like BB finale first.. then Survivor premiere. LOL
      Since I work nights it doesn’t really matter that much… and when I got home, I watched BB first! 😆

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Justaguy (JT)

    First episode was really good! I was scared there for a bit and I almost got blindsided on the vote!! LOL….. but CeCe made it.

    I enjoyed the shortcut twist. That makes things very interesting…. hope they do more of that.. it adds a whole new level to comps.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. tedstrutz

      Hopefully, we will see more of that with the comps, I too liked having a choice. Yeah, what was up with that vote? Clearly, there is a power group and the ones on the outs better get in. Rachel had no clue how to go about lobbying for herself and set someone else up.

      I wanted to scream… “Don’t volunteer to do the puzzle!!! Best editing of any show! Great comp.

      I wonder how many days they stayed evacuated? They made it look like the next day it was over, which I guess could happen. And they would need time to build the comp and Tribal, which Betty pointed out looked pretty skimpy. They didn’t show much.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. tedstrutz

        CeCe must have annoyed the hell out of someone, as Rachel obviously did. David must have hit the right chord with the guys to keep him. We don’t see what Sunday did either to get votes.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. tammera70

    Hi everyone. I just thought I would hope on over from the Big Brother Blog. (also done by Lisa Marie)
    The Evacuation lasted 3 days BTW.

    I haven’t figured out who I hate yet I will need a few more episodes.I don’t know any of their names yet so I guess when I have that figured out I will figure out who I like and dislike.
    I look forward to chatting with you all. Have a great day.

    Liked by 4 people


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