The Amazing Race 29.2 “Scared Spitless”

Jessie, Francesca, and Phil

Hi, everyone!

Last night, my experience with the Amazing Race was a little bit choppy because the show kept getting interrupted with special news reports.  However, though I may have missed a few little scenes, I saw enough to write about the episode.

For instance, I can tell you right now that I am ashamed of myself for ever thinking that Shamir might be a contender to win this season.  Oh my God, what a wimp!!!!!  “The harness was uncomfortable!”  Well, guess what?  Being suspended in the air over a city is going to be uncomfortable.  Sitting in the ambulance and crying about it is not going to change that.  Apparently, he was willing to give up his chance at the money just because he didn’t think it was fair that he should be uncomfortable.  What Shamir, in his self-centered way, didn’t consider was that he wasn’t just screwing up his chance to win the money.  He was also screwing up Sara’s chance as well.

That’s one reason why I don’t like the idea of strangers being forced to race together.  In all probability, Sara would never have agreed to race with Shamir if she had know what a whiny little baby he is.  I doubt anyone would have voluntarily raced with Shamir.  But now, she’s stuck with him.

When they reached the finish line, Phil did his best to encourage them to put their hard day behind them and move on.  Sara was in tears.  Shamir kept complaining about the harness.  If Shamir quits, does that mean that Sara’s race is over as well?  Or could they maybe give Sara a new partner?  I doubt it.  It wouldn’t be fair to the other teams to let someone switch a partner.  But, at the same time, it just doesn’t feel fair that Sara, who is a strong competitor, is stuck with Shamir.

Anyway, here’s my thoughts on how the rest of the teams did.  As always, the teams are listed in order of how they finished the latest leg of the race:

Liz and Michael — Wow!  I seriously thought that Liz and Michael were doomed but they came from behind and came in first!  It’s nice to see that they apparently learned from the mistakes that they made during the previous leg of the race.  They went from being the weakest team to potentially being one of the strongest.

Vanck and Ashton — Double wow!  I seriously thought these two were even more obviously doomed than Liz and Michael.  From having a meltdown during the last leg, they came in second this leg.  That said, their “feud” with Matt and Redmond reminded me of why I’m still not a huge fan of Vanck and Ashton.  It’s a race.  No one is under any obligation to do anyone a favor.

Matt and Redmond — Team Bro is still running strong.  They came in third and Redmond even made a funny joke about why he wanted to win the second leg.  (It involved the fact that he only has one leg.)

Seth and Olive — Still running strong.  The fact that they didn’t come in first this time is probably a good thing, believe it or not.  A fourth place finish will keep this strong team from getting overconfident.

Becca and Floyd — TEAM FUN!  Oh my god, they’re just having so much fun!  Bleh.

Brooke and Scott — Brooke and Scott seem to be doing better.  That said, they went from 4th to 6th.  There’s only so many times you can fall back in the rankings before you’re eliminated.

Tara and Joey — 6th last week.  7th this week.  They’re moving in the wrong direction.

London and Logan — 8th last week.  8th this week.  They’re pretty and consistent!

Shamir and Sara — Poor Sara.  They went from being in a good position to barely avoiding elimination and Shamir never seemed to understand that it was literally all his fault.

Jessie and Francesca — One was tall.  One was short.  I was never sure which was which.  And they’ve been eliminated.  At least they had fun without turning into Team Fun.

Will Liz and Michael’s luck continue?  Will Shamir ever start acting like a man or will Sara have to spend the rest of the race begging him to stop crying like little baby?

We’ll find out next week!

Lisa Marie

2 thoughts on “The Amazing Race 29.2 “Scared Spitless”

  1. williamswarriorkb

    I”m glad I didn’t pick any favorites last week because as you said everything flipped. Like you, the teams that came in first and second this week were surprising since I had them pegged to flop out this leg and the next. Shamir is a big whinning p&%#y and should be embarrassed from his play but, he’s to conceited to realize it.



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